Peter Bulliard

My passion resides in the healing aspect of spiritual awareness.  My mission is to share that passion with others.  

The Heart of Healing

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Release Fear and Anxiety in 1 Day

Peter Bulliard, RN, Master Shaman

Shamanic Healing

Quantum physics has proven that everything vibrates; from the atoms that make up our bodies to the constellations of the Universe, and everything in between; this also includes feelings and emotions. That being said, everyone goes through some degree of trauma in their life: experiencing the death of a loved one, sexual or emotional abuse, surgery, being in an accident, wartime stress, a hurricane or tornado, a fire, addictions, extended care taking of a loved one, divorce, and the list goes on. Being that everything vibrates, these traumas create dense vibrations (energies) in and around the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the body.

If you have ever experienced severe sadness, depression, fear, anxiety or stress its like the experience of being weighed down. This is an experience of dense energies. These same dense energies are also created when we harbor anger, resentment, envy or hate towards others. . Densities wear us down, drag us out, create imbalances, disharmony and eventually disease.

The area outside of the aura is known as the luminous energy field. When these dense energy’s reside in the luminous energy field, the mechanisms that take in energy, the chakras, become compromised. These energy center’s metabolize energy, fuel us and sustain us in the most essential ways. When the luminous energy system becomes cloudy with densities, the quality of the fuel going into our chakras is very low. In this event, we become dull and our energy levels drop. We then experience mood swings and our psychosomatic conditions get triggered.

These densities overload our immune system resulting in the progression of degraded physical conditions, depression, mood swings, lack of energy, insomnia, malabsorption of food and the list goes on. These conditions can all be avoided by maintaining our luminous energy field and chakras in optimal condition.

Transforming ailments

to Profound Clarity

​Shamanic Healing transforms these densities into nourishing life energy and power (clarity). Being as energy cannot be destroyed but can only be transformed, our deepest ailments, and our programming and conditioning are then transformed into sources of life force. As the shamanic session proceeds the client experiences his pain or grief disperse as a wave of energy, euphorically washing through him. At the end of the session he or she is left with a profound sense of clarity and in a peaceful, blissful state.

EVERY wound or program from the past that a person holds contains valuable lessons and potential life force. Shamanic healing not only transforms the wounds so that they cease scripting our reality, but also emotionally deactivates the shadow aspects of our past, the scenes from our past that we don’t like to think about. The memories remain, but we are not emotionally triggered by then. Consequently, and by default, our focus shifts and we begin to view our truth which are our intrinsic gifts, talents and abilities.  

Shamanic Healing not only heals the traumas and densities that we have acquired, but it also brings balance back to the body, spirit and soul. We are then aligned with the Universe and Creator – as we were meant to be from the very beginning. This allows us to discover states of exceptional health, happiness and well-being. From this point on, we are then able to consciously participate in our own unique future evolution. Once clear of all densities, it is amazing how we can then be aware of and follow the synchronicities and intuitive signals to pursue our true hearts path with courage and determination.

“Prior to my session, I was having significant anxiety and thoughts were taking over which I have never experienced before. I immediately got in touch with Peter, had a session which changed my perceptions and body. It was an emotional process and he guided me to find my connection back into my breathing into calmness. I felt more in touch with my real, true thoughts and living in the moment!! I now use the knowledge, protocols and guidance to stay in balance!!
