Divine One Within
Intrusive Energy
Personal Issues
Every one of us carries personal issues, whether they stem from fear, guilt, shame, resentment, or other emotional challenges. (In Quecha, the language of the Q’ero tribes in Peru, these lower vibrational vibrations are generically called ‘Houchas”.) Additional, if we are not protected properly, we can pick up these dense vibrations from others. These underlying issues often shape our behaviors, which in turn create specific likes and dislikes. These preferences, referred to as “affinities,” play a deeper role in our energetic well-being than we might realize. Affinities act as small portals that allow external energies to enter our being. When this happens, these external influences are termed “intrusive energy” because they do not align with our ‘intrinsic’ nature or authentic self.
At the core of every person exists the “Divine One Within” (DOW). This Divine One Within represents the essence of who we truly are. It is the Spirit within us where our unique gifts, talents, and abilities reside lifetime after lifetime after lifetime etc. The DOW reflects our authentic nature, untainted by external influences, and is the source of our deepest truth and power.
When intrusive energies infiltrate our being, they disrupt the natural harmony of our systems. These energies are not part of our true selves, and as a result, they create imbalance and depletion on multiple levels—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. By nourishing and sustaining energy that does not originate from our authentic essence, we gradually weaken our immune system, making us more susceptible to illness and fatigue.